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An Immigration Center Christmas

The Irish Immigration Center’s annual Christmas party had a bittersweet tinge to it on Thursday night. It’s the last party Siobhan Lyons will preside over as executive director.

The Dublin-born Lyons has taken a new job as CEO of Citizen Diplomacy International of Philadelphia, an international relations organization that, among other things, runs international exchange programs for the federal government and the city of Philadelphia and matches leaders from other countries with their counterparts in the US. Their slogan: “Make friends. Make contacts. Make peace.”

But there was music, dancing, great food from the Irish Coffee Shop in Upper Darby, and an inordinate number of people with their noses in the 2016 Irish Immigration Center calendar, making its debut. Many of the calendar models, mainly seniors from the center’s senior lunch program, were there, seeing the results of their work for the first time.

You can order the calendar, which will help support the Center’s many programs, by clicking here.

See our photos below.

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