
A Taste of What’s Coming This Weekend

The singers session if always a great way to ease into the Philadelphia Ceili Group Festival weekend. It’s quiet and reflective. Mostly.

That is, it was reflective until harper Ellen Tepper sat down at her instrument and sang a hysterical little ditty called “The Pope.” Or something like that. (Video of somebody else singing it here.) As emcee Terry Kane (and frequent partner with Tepper as one part of the duo “The Jameson Sisters) put it, “That’s a hard act to follow.” So she didn’t bother. Time for intermission.

But make no mistake. Some of the area’s best singers did hold forth was some of the sweetest songs you’ll hear, including Matt Ward, who—deviating from his usual repertoire—offered up some rebel songs. Not the kind that will make you want to storm Long Kesh, but more contemplative songs that honored Ireland’s long quest for independence.

We’ve assembled a few photos, but what we think you’ll really like are the videos.

Photos here.

Videos as follows:

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