
The Boys of Summer

nator hurling homeAnd, technically, one young woman.

We dropped by Northeast High School a week ago to take in a practice of the Na Tóraidhe Philadelphia Hurling Club. As it happened, it was unseasonably cold, and the grass was soaking. (So were my sneakers and jeans.)

None of which stopped our hurlers, who came off the field soaked in sweat, regardless of the temperature. It’s the season for Gaelic Athletics in Philly, and we thought it’d be good to show you what a shirts-and-skins (OK, they were all wearing shirts) practice looks like. What it looks like is every bit as rough and tumble as what you’d see in a game.

You’ll also note that a lot of the photos are on the dark side. It’s because the players kept playing until it was just about too dark to see the ball.

Note: They’re always looking for members, regardless of age or gender. Details.

Here ya go.

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