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A Little Lunch Music


Sometimes when I just want a lift, I head to Upper Darby on Wednesday for the weekly senior lunch at the Irish Immigration Center.

I worked with many of the seniors on the Immigration Center calendar—I took the photos for the calendar in which they portray characters from some iconic Irish films—and had the time of my life with them. They’re a welcoming group filled with bright, funny, and talented people—it’s worth a visit even if you’re years from being considered “a senior.”

This Wednesday, guitarist and singer Tom Goslin and his wife, singer Sandra Hartman performed after the lunch, provided by the Irish Coffee Shop. But there were plenty of talented performers in the audience, such as Mary Powers, Tom McArdle (pictured here), and Billy McClafferty, who kept us all entertained.

The photos and videos that follow will give you a “taste” of the weekly lunch.

Here’s Tom Goslin on guitar.


Mary Powers sings the beautiful Dolores Keane song, “Caledonia.”


Billy McClafferty sings about Donegal.


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