
The Irish Way to Close Out a Weekend

Mick Conneely and David Munnelly

Mick Conneely and David Munnelly

OK, technically, it was not last weekend, but the weekend before. Fiddler Mick Conneely and button accordion player David Munnelly dazzled the crowd in an Irish Center concert sponsored by the Philadelphia Ceili Group.

It really was dazzling. No hyperbole. We were in the presence of greatness for a couple of hours. Hard to believe anyone could play that fast, and still with such precision. Lucky there weren’t any cops around, or these guys would have been arrested for speeding. Thanks, Ceili Group!

It was a pretty good-sized audience, and actually a good reminder, as if we need one, of how important the Irish Center is. It was some of the best Irish music you’ll ever hear, played by traditional music rock stars, and the Irish Center is home to so much of it.

So give this video a listen (and a look), and let it remind you how important the Irish Center is. And fork over a little cash to help the Irish Center keep the tunes coming:

And don’t forget, much more musical greatness is on its way in a couple of weeks (September 11-13) with the arrival of the 2014 Philadelphia Ceili Group Festival. Check it out, buy tickets, and go.


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