
Bristol Celtic Day 2014

Sean and Nicole Palmetto

Sean and Nicole Palmetto

It’s a small festival as festivals go, but this one gets bigger every year.

Celtic Day’s home is on the Bristol Borough waterfront, including the historic wharf.

Philadelphia Police and Fire Pipe Band opened the day’s festivities, which went on to include bands like No Irish Need Apply, and local Irish dancers.

Small as it is, this festival’s vendors somehow manage to offer a much different line of Celtic-themed tchochkes from what we’ve seen elsewhere. Admittedly, you’d be stretching the definition of “Celtic” a bit for some of the items on display, but nobody seemed to notice or mind. All told, great variety.

One very sentimental vendor for me: Mignoni’s Jeweler’s, where I bought my then-girlfriend (now wife) a silver Claddagh ring—which she still wears.

It helped that the day was warm and breezy, not a cloud in sight, pleasure boats plying the Delaware. Jut a great, friendly day in the borough.



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