
Big Boost for Irish Center Fund Drive!


Were you ever afraid to talk about something really great happening because you were afraid you’d jinx it?

My partner Denise doesn’t let things like that worry her purty little head.

If you were perusing our Facebook page Monday at exactly 4:59 p.m., you would have seen Denise’s dispatch from Irish Philadelphia Pledge Central on behalf of the online fund drive to raise $50,000 to save the Philadelphia Irish Center:

Thanks to everyone who donated today! I’m going out for a bit, but when I’m back, I’m hoping to see that the second shift is up and keeping those dollahs flowing tonight. Let’s see if we can get to $9,000 by the weekend. Oh heck, let’s make it an even $10,000!

By early Tuesday morning, we’d cracked $9,000.

By Tuesday afternoon: more than $9,600.

And by 8:59 p.m.: $10,215!

That was a huge day, in what has proved to be a really big week. As we head into the weekend, we’re closing in on $11,000. There’s still a long way to go until we hit $50,000, but a week like this shows you what’s possible. We’re thankful for all the generous donations, but we’re just as thankful for the many warm thoughts and memories that went along with them, such as this one from The Durkan Family:

We would like to make a donation in memory of our husband/father, John Durkan. John emigrated from Swinford, County Mayo in the late 50’s to Philadelphia and was a strong advocate for The Irish Center. His love of Irish music and the people of Ireland was evident in everything he taught us. Our family has years of memories of events at the Center and anyone who knew him is aware that if he were here with us still he would be one of the people leading this campaign.

And this from Patti Wyatt:

We have just recently discovered all this gem of the Irish Community has to offer and have only begun to take an active part in the community. We have to save the Center for all the future generations and slow-comers like us!!

Along with this from Kathy McGee Burns:

My whole life changed, twenty five years ago when I first walked into the Irish Center. That day I was introduced to my Irish heritage. I knew that was where I belonged. Please help us save this treasure.

And that’s what the Irish Center is—a true treasure, albeit one that has fallen into financial difficulty. The Irish Center has never needed your help more than it does now. You can help save the Irish Center by visiting our online fundraising site, and giving as generously as you can.

One other really fun way to help? Head on over to Maloney’s Pub, 2626 East County Line Road, in Ardmore tomorrow night, starting at 6, for what promises to be a rollicking house party. Live music and dance, some incredible raffle items, and more, right on until 9. Tickets at the door: $25. See you there.

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