
Ireland Vs. Costa Rica: World Class Soccer at PPL Park

The Delco Gaels proudly hold the tricolor on the field before the match.

The Delco Gaels proudly hold the tricolor on the field before the match.

By Brian Mengini

Last Saturday, June 6,  was a beautiful night for soccer at PPL Park, located along Chester’s waterfront- a perfect night to watch the Republic of Ireland take on the national team of Cost Rica in a friendly match leading up to the World Cup, which started this week. (Ireland will not be competing, but Costa Rica will go up against Uruguay tomorrow.)

The parking lot was full of diehard fans from both sides. The Costa Rica fans had tents and sounds systems set up in the lot and danced and cheered while the Irish fans had a bagpiper! Inside the stadium, color said it all. The green Irish shirts were well outnumbered by the red shirts of the Cost Rican fan base! The Delaware County Gaels, the largest youth GAA organization in the area, escorted the Irish onto the field and took part in the flag-bearing ceremonies at the opening of the match.

While the Irish team did score first, the Costa Rican team dominated the first half. he second half proved to be more dominated by the Irish, despite the Costa Rican team scoring on a penalty kick.
The match ended in a 1-1 tie but was a very lively game for both halves.
The fans of the Costa Rican team seemed to have been just as spirited and entertaining as the game itself. Between throwing beer and drinks onto the field and screaming and cursing at officials, their passion for the sport and their team was clear and culminated at the end of the match with one of their diehards running on the field waving his team shirt as a rally towel, only to be tackled to the ground by a member of security and consequently handcuffed and taken away.

Clearly, they love their sports as much as we do!

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