
In Mount Holly, They Love a Parade

It was just a little cold.

It was just a little cold.

“Precious” had a boo-boo. As witness the tropical-themed multicolored foam ring around her neck. That didn’t stop her person, Arden Townsend, from decking her out in St. Patrick’s Day finery—a little plastic high hat and a charming green silk doggie t-shirt.

And amazingly, Precious didn’t seem to mind at all.

It wasn’t the most unusual sight at the Burlington County St. Patrick’s Day Parade Saturday in Mount Holly.

Well, OK, maybe it was, but at this time of year there’s a lot of competition for “unusual.”

We’ve been covering St. Patrick’s Day in the Philly area so long, we’ve gotten used to even the most over-the-top top hat. Green hair? Ho hum. Shamrock deeply-bobbers? Fuhgeddaboudit.

That didn’t stop the folks along the parade route in Mount Holly from trying. Let’s face it, you have to be trying really hard to make a mummer look underdressed. The dude with the sparkly green tinsel wig sure pulled it off.

It was a bright but chilly day, and a lot of people along High Street wrapped themselves in blankets, but there’s something about a St. Patrick’s Day that leaves a warm feeling in your heart.

Or maybe it’s the Jameson’s.

Figure it out for yourself. Here are the pictures. More than 30 of ’em.

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