
Putting the Fun in Fundraising

A couple of fun-raisers: Bob Hurst of the Hooligans and Frank Daly of Jamison.

A couple of fun-raisers: Bob Hurst of the Bogside Rogues and Frank Daly of Jamison.


Every year the Philadelphia St. Patrick’s Day Parade has to raise money to pay for all the things most people don’t notice because they’re too busy looking at the floats, dancers, and bands– like police presence, port-a-potties, and bleachers.  This year, they needed only one fundraiser–and a big one–at the new Fraternal of Police Lodge #5 on Caroline Road in Northeast Philadelphia.

Local Celtic rockers Luke Jardel, the  Bogside Rogues,  Jamison Celtic Rock, and folk singer Raymond Coleman provided the background–and often the foreground music–for the hundreds of people who made the huge hall seem crowded on Sunday afternoon, February 22. There was dancing, eating, raffle ticket-buying, and lots of dancing–both amateurs and the remarkable Celtic Flame Dancers.

But don’t take our word for it. We have pictures that prove people were having fun.

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