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Do You Believe in Magic?

John Byrne and Kim Killen taking their bows with the Celtic Flame dancers.

John Byrne and Kim Killen taking their bows with the Celtic Flame dancers.

Dancing candy canes, ballerinas, a fiddler who can play behind his back, on the floor, and airborne, and Santa. . .oh, and snow indoors. You really could believe in magic at An American Celtic Christmas, the Irish-American show featuring Jamison Celtic Rock, John Byrne, and Kimberley Killen at Bensalem High School last weekend.
Celtic Flame School of Irish Dance and Bucks County Dance Center along with singer Carley Fuhrmeister and DJ Dan Cronin and holiday-themed short films by Bensalem students added to the spirit that drew more than 1,000 people to two shows. Jamison’s Frank Daly and C.J. Mills produced the show, which benefited the Bensalem Education Association.
We were there (and it’s going to be part of our family holiday traditions from now on). Check out our photos.

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