
A Salute to the Batalion de San Patricio


We’re very pleased to debut the first music video released by the Philadelphia-based , award-winning group, RUNA today, September 12, the official day of commemoration of the soldiers of the Batallón de San Patricio, a group of Irish immigrants who fought in the Mexican Army  against the US in the Mexican-American War in the mid-1800s.

RUNA performs their version of Gerry O’Bierne’s song, “The Holy Ground,” which was filmed on location at The Grand Canyon.

RUNA’s lead singer, Shannon Lambert-Ryan, explained that the song tells the story of “an Irish immigrant who moves from Cork (“The Holy Ground”), Ireland to the United States and down to Mexico. He becomes a soldier and joins the San Patricio Battalion in the Mexican Army. The song tells the story of his love for his countries, old and new, and his fight for freedom in Mexico.”

The Grand Canyon was “a perfect setting to tell their story,” says Lambert-Ryan.

The other members of RUNA are Fionan de Barra, Cheryl Prashker, David Curley, and Maggie Estes.


Shannon Lambert-Ryan and Fionan de Barra of RUNA.

Shannon Lambert-Ryan and Fionan de Barra of RUNA.

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