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Raise a Glass to Fergie

Fergus Carey, right, with Hollis Payer, Darin Kelly, and Brian Boyce

Fergus Carey, right, with Hollis Payer, Darin Kelly, and Brian Boyce

He has a small pub on Sansom Street, but he has a big heart.

On Thursday, many of Fergus Carey’s friends will come together to formally recognize all the ways in which the owner of Center City’s iconic Fergie’s Pub—and several other local bars—has supported Philadelphia area theatre.

But don’t expect much in the way of pomp. It’s a roast.

Although he probably never thought anyone would take him up on it—and didn’t really expect it—”Fergie Fest” was sort of his idea to begin with.

Catherine Logan is development associate of Theatre Exile, a company to which Carey has devoted much of his time and passion. Exile is hosting the event, Thursday at 7 p.m. at the Ruba Club 414 Green Street. Logan says Exile deemed Carey worthy of honor simply because “he’s awesome. He’s been such a big supporter of the Philadelphia theatre scene. He contributes to a lot of theatres. He’s a good friend.”

Logan says Carey once had a conversation with his friends at Theatre Exile in which he joked, “If you ever do a roast, you ought to do one for me.” That was a long time ago, she says, “but we always thought: Someday we’ll take you up on this.”

Before she met Carey, Logan wasn’t quite sure what to expect. Or maybe she was sure, after all. Sure, but then surprised. “I thought he was gonna be this big, loud Irish guy, but he’s actually shy, very quiet and respectful.” She likes the accent, too: but that’s “a girl thing.”

This will be the first time Theatre Exile has hosted anything like a roast, but based on the overwhelming interest in the theatre community—and the bar and restaurant community as well—expect a big evening. Actors and performers from throughout the city have lined up to salute their longtime friend. Restaurants from one end of town to the other are also providing food.

If you want to go, tickets are selling out fast. Tickets are $25 if you buy now; $30 at the door.

For details, contact: 215-218-4022.

More info and online orders here.

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