
Here’s Where to Buy “Ceili Drive”

Tommy Joyner of Milkboy Recording, chatting with uilleann piper Tim Hill.

Tommy Joyner of Milkboy Recording, chatting with uilleann piper Tim Hill.

A funny thing happened on the way to the public sale of our exciting new compilation of Philly Irish music, “Ceili Drive.”

It was a little thing called St. Patrick’s Month, which does tend to distract us a bit, what with all the parties, parades, pub crawls, pomp, and such.

Happily, the craziness is (mostly) behind us now, and we can devote our full attention to introducing “Ceili Drive” to the world. And by “the world,” we mean you.

We created “Ceili Drive” for a couple of reasons:

  • The first and most important: Philadelphia is a total hotbed of great Irish music. A lot of people know that, but trust us, it’s a revelation to some people. So we really wanted to shine a spotlight on some superb local talent—which was hard because there’s so much talent, and we couldn’t possibly capture it all. To do that might take 10 or 20 CDs. Alas, we had bucks for just one.
  • The second and more pragmatic reason: To fill our coffers with filthy lucre. A lot of you already know this—except for the occasional heckler who seems to think we have a staff of 100 and a budget to match—but it’s we happy few cranking out We pull in a bit of ad revenue, for which we are deeply grateful, but trust us when we say that no one on the staff of this international media conglomerate is about to retire to the south of France. Not even to the south of Upper Darby. So we hope “Ceili Drive” will help us meet some of our expenses, and set us up with a bit of “mad money” to help make better. And reimburse us for gas and parking. Luxuries and frivolities like that.

So get ready to exercise your clicker finger because we’re about to direct you to our secure online store. You’ll see all the track listings there.

And even though we’ve said this before, we really can’t say it enough. We owe a lot of you a deep debt of gratitude. So thank you, and thank you yet again. You know who you are.

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