
Allentown Hurlers Defeat Baltimore

On Sunday, July 15, the Allentown Hibernians hurlers crushed the Baltimore Bohemians 10-10 to 4-5 in the first GAA hurling action in a long time at the Cardinal Dougherty fields in Philadelphia.

And that was with half the team missing. Not on the disabled list, fortunately, but with other commitments on a hot, steamy Philly summer day.

In fact, this year, Allentown’s hurlers have had only two losses. “Both to Hoboken, NJ,” said acting team captain Pat O’Donnell.

The five-year-old team, with mostly American-born players, has gone from learning the game on the field to dominating the field. “There was a time when some of our players didn’t even know what hurling was,” said O’Donnell laughing.

They know now.

Check out our photos from Sunday’s game.

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