
How to Be Irish in Philly This Week

If you haven't seen GAA sports, do!

If you haven't seen GAA sports, do!

Better late than never!

Your usual trusty HTBI guide Denise Foley is enjoying a well-deserved rest, which leaves the task of filling you in on all things Irish and Philly during the upcoming holiday week up to me.

As seems to be the case every time Denise hits the road, most of the coming week is a bit on the light side. Maybe everyone’s at the shore.

But there is one big exception: Sunday.

Let’s start with the Project Children Benefit in Kildare’s in Manayunk, Sunday from noon to 3. We’ve been there, of course, and it’s a great venue in one of Philly’s funkiest neighborhoods. Hard to think of a better place for the fund-raiser. Project Children helps contribute to peace in Northern Ireland in its own small but significant way, bringing Protestant and Catholic kids from that often troubled area of the world to the United States for summer vacations. Price of admission is $20 for adults, and $10 for kids. (Kids under 10 get in for free.) There’s going to be a great buffet, plenty of draft beers to keep you cool, and Irish tuneage by Frank Daly of Jamison and friends. Irish dancers, too, of course, and fun for the kiddies, including face-painting.

More details here.

Sunday being a bright, beautiful sun-filled day in the summer, there is, of course, more to do on Sunday. Starting at 2 the same day, there’s Irish football and hurling at cardinal Dougherty High School field. If you haven’t seen these uniquely Irish sports, find time sometime this summer to take in an afternoon of games. (Bring plenty of sunblock. There aren’t many trees.)

And if you love Irish music, Sunday is a day full of traditional Irish music sessions at local bars. See our calendar for all the details. It’s a pretty good bet there will be a session near you.

See you next week.

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