
Stormy Weather at the Irish Football Playoffs

The clouds parted ... but not for long.

The clouds parted ... but not for long. (Photo by Gwyneth McArthur)

Stout hearts prevailed on Sunday as the Philly Gaelic Athletic Association hosted football at Cardinal Dougherty on Sunday.

Driving rains didn’t keep two teams from squaring off and somehow, amazingly, finishing on Sunday at Cardinal Dougherty field. We caught the second game, Naomh Peregrine vs. Chaoimhín de Barra. Naomh Peregrine won the day 0-11 to 0-04.

A third game never got started because the weather just made it impossible to continue.

Cruel taskmasters that we are, we dispatched our talented friend and GAA fan Gwyneth McArthur to shoot photos of whatever she could on such a dismal day. Scarf shielding her hair and plastic bag shielding her camera, Gwyneth took to it all like a duck to water.

Here are the results of her labors.

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