How to Be Irish in Philly

How To Be Irish In Philly This Week

Jack Wink is dressed for the Derry Spring Social.

I don’t know about you, but that Royal Wedding tired me out. I stayed up all night making my hat. I donated it to Habitat for Humanity and a family of four is living in it now.

But I’m not too tired to be heading into Philadelphia tomorrow night to see “Dublin by Lamplight,” the latest play in the Philadelphia Irish Theater Festival, produced by the Inis Nua Theatre Company. The play, a tragi-comedy (which is to say it’s Irish) will be at the Broad Street Ministries until May 14. Read more about it here.

There’s plenty going on this week to keep everyone happy. You dancers! The AOH Notre Dame Division 1 in Swedesburg is holding a ceili on Saturday night at 7 PM featuring the musical stylings of Kevin, Jimmy and Judy—that’s two McGillians and a Brennan—family names synonymous with ceili music in the Philadelphia area. It doesn’t get any better.

On Saturday, AOH Div. 87 is holding a beef and beer at their hall on Wakeling Street in Philadelphia to raise money for the families of Irish prisoners of war. Raymond Coleman and Pat Close and the Brigade are providing the music.

Remarkable fiddler Randal Bays and guitarist Davey Mathias will be performing at the Coatesville Cultural Center—another blockbuster concert from Frank Dalton.

On Sunday, bring the kids and yourself to the Irish Center as the Derry Society holds its second annual (we hope) Derry Social with three bands, great food, and lots of games for the kids. We went last year and had a ball.

The AOH is busy this weekend. The Gloucester County AOH is holding a memorial event on the 30th anniversary of the Irish political prisoners’ hunger strike of 1981 during which 10 young men, including Bobby Sands, died.

On May 5, Irish Network-Philly is going to mix some ethnic metaphors. They’re holding a Cinco de Mayo Happy Hour at Tir na Nog on Arch Street in Philly. Actually, it’s a celebration of the first anniversary of this organization founded to bring together disparate parts of the region’s Irish community. Happy Birthday, IN-Philly!

Speaking of anniversaries—the Galway Society is celebrating its 102nd (gosh, you don’t look a day over 100) on Saturday, May 7, by throwing a dinner-dance at the Irish Center, starting with an open bar at 6 PM, followed by dinner and dancing to music by the Vince Gallagher Band and Friends. Happy Anniversary to our friends from Galway!

As always, check our calendar for all the details. And check back during the week, since we’re always adding more.


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