
They Danced All Afternoon at Division 39

Sister James and court

This year's parade grand marshal, Sister James Anne Feerick, is second from left. She's joined by Mary Frances Fogg, left, parade committee president Kathy McGee Burns, right, and Mary Patrick, right.

The AOH Hall down on Tulip Street was jammed to the rafters Sunday as Division 39 hosted a big fund-raiser for the 2011 Philadelphia St. Patrick’s Day Parade.

Jamison provided the tunes, and both the girls of the Celtic Flame School and guests alike took to the dance floor often throughout the afternoon.

There was plenty to munch on (are meatballs Irish?) and the beer flowed liberally. (No, not too liberally.)

It won’t be the last fund-raiser for this year’s parade … but it will be remembered as one of the best.

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