Columns, How to Be Irish in Philly

How to Be Irish in Philly This Week

The Irish know how to party: Jim Larson of Ardmore at last year's New Year's Eve party at the Irish Center.

The Irish know how to party: Jim Larson of Ardmore at last year's New Year's Eve party at the Irish Center.

The best way to be Irish this week is to spend Christmas with your family and friends. But you knew that.

But after Christmas. . . Stop in at the Knights of Columbus hall in Glenside on December 26 for the annual Wren party, an Irish tradition with silly hats, frivolity, food, drink, music and dancing. There will be prizes for best Wren boy.

On Tuesday, December 28, the John Byrne Band along with faithful companions, Citizen Band Radio, will be performing their holiday show at the Tin Angel in Philadelphia.

Get ready to ring in the New Year at the Irish Center on December 3. The Vince Gallagher Band will be playing, there will be a midnight champagne toast, and some delicious food.

Speaking of 2011, there’s some great stuff coming up in January that we’ll be posting shortly.

We’re going to Craggy Island for about a week, coming back with a brand new look and the same old sass. So if we don’t see you, have a very happy Christmas and a wonderful and prosperous New Year!

Le gach dea-ghui i gcomhair na nollag agus na hath bhliana!

Don’t try to pronounce it. You’ll just hurt yourself.

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