
Runa: Providing a Little Night Music

Shannon Lambert Ryan, Fionan deBarra, and Cheryl Prasker of RUNA.

Shannon Lambert Ryan, Fionan deBarra, and Cheryl Prasker of RUNA.

The cicadas and the Chestnut Hill East commuter train provided a little extra percussion for RUNA, the contemporary Irish group that performed Wednesday night at Walk a Crooked Mile bookstore, housed in the old Devon Street train station in Mt. Airy.

There was a sultry breeze, enough kids and dogs to make it homey but not distracting, and more than a few people sipped glasses of wine and ate a home-packed dinner from their lawn chairs while listening to this talented group, fronted by Philly native Shannon Lambert-Ryan. Canadian percussionist Cheryl Prashker, who now lives in Mt. Airy and Lambert-Ryan’s husband, guitarist Fionan deBarra round out the trio.

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