
A Little Lunch With Her Friends

Immigration Center regular Kathleen Murtagh tries on Mairead Conley's new crown.

Immigration Center regular Kathleen Murtagh tries on Mairead Conley's new crown. (Click on the photo to view the slideshow.

The regular Wednesday Lunch at The Irish Immigration Center of Philadelphia had a special purpose and special guests this past week. The Center’s Deputy Director of Community Programming, Mairead Conley, was celebrated for her recent selection as the Midatlantic Rose of Tralee.

Karen Boyce McCollum, herself the 2005 Philadelphia Rose of Tralee, was on hand to graciously oblige the crowd by singing the song that started it all. While Kathleen Murtagh, who was one of the encouraging voices that convinced Mairead to enter her name this year, got a chance to try on the tiara.

And in keeping with Center Director Siobhan Lyons’ motto that “all are welcome,” 2010 Rosebud Grace Murphy brought her Dachshund puppy Daisy to help toast Mairead.

“We really do welcome everyone,” Siobhan laughed. “We’re here to help anyone who can use our services.”

Check out our photos from the afternoon, at upper right.

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