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A Big Day for the Sunday Irish Radio Programs

Gerry Timlin: singer, guitarist, publican, and auctioneer.

Gerry Timlin: singer, guitarist, publican, and auctioneer.

Between phone-in pledges in the morning and a rollicking musical fundraiser in the afternoon at the Shanachie Irish Pub in Ambler, the Sunday Irish radio shows made more than $5,000. That will keep the Vince Gallagher Irish Hour and Come West Along the Road with Marianne MacDonald on the air at WTMR 800 AM“for a few more months,” MacDonald says.

Among the all-star lineup at The Shanachie: Dublin-born singer-songwriter John Byrne, the Bogside Rogues, Gerry Timlin (co-owner of The Shanachie) and his musical partner Tom Kane, fiddler Mary Malone, the Malones (Luke Jardel and Fintan Malone) and the Vince Gallagher Band, with Gallagher, Pat Kildea and Patsy Ward.

Timlin ran a rousing auction for a plethora of prizes, including a week’s stay at a County Clare cottage, a bike, and an autographed Flyers’ jersey, as well as concert tickets to some of the hottest tickets around, including Altan, Scythian, Eileen Ivers, and Dervish.

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