
Fund-Raising in Full Swing

Sean Harbison Jr. and his aunt Gina Hiller.

Sean Harbison Jr. and his aunt Gina Hiller.

They were very nearly spilling out onto St. Vincent Street on Sunday afternoon as a fund-raising party for the Philadelphia St. Patrick’s Day Parade attracted a huge crowd to the Mayfair Community Center in the Northeast.

This year’s grand marshal Seamus Boyle, national president of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, held court as his hard-working brothers and sisters at the Philadelphia County Board and AOH and LAOH Division 39 kept the whole thing rolling.

Guests were well-fed and watered (or beered, depending on how you look at these things), and the stage was occupied by a hard-charging band. The party also featured the toe-tapping girls of the Celtic Flame Irish dance school.

A few nights later, at the great little pub at 17th and the Parkway, Con Murphy’s, yet another fund-raising party took place. Guests noshed on hors d’oeuvres, chatted with friends and clapped to the music of Slainte.

Yes, folks, the St. Patrick’s craziness is starting in style.

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