Columns, How to Be Irish in Philly

How to Be Irish in Philly This Week

A real treat this weekend: On Saturday night at the Springfield Country Club, the Rose of Tralee Selection Gala will see one lovely lass chosen to go to Ireland to compete in the international pageant. And this one isn’t for sissies. “When girls come to us expressing an interest in the pageant, we tell them it’s a really big deal and they have to be serious about it,” says co-organizer Karen Conaghan Race. “It’s televised and it’s a cool experience, but not for everybody.”

But, she says, she never worries about any of the candidates. “They’re really mature girls who ‘get it.’ I know it sounds corny, but every year I think, any one of these girls would be fine. I never worry about which one gets picked. We can’t go wrong.”

Also this weekend, yet another festival: The Celtic Fling and Highland Games in Manheim, home of the Renaissance Faire in Lancaster County. And in Allentown, the Hibernians hurlers face off against a team from Pittsburgh.

On Sunday, head over to Brittingham’s for some great music and food, and contribute to a great cause. Team Ratty Shoes is in the middle of its third campaign to raise money for multiple sclerosis research—and they always have a good time doing it.

Also on Sunday, Bristol Borough is holding its 13th annual Celtic Day in the lovely Bristol Lions Park along the Delaware.

There’s a brand new session on Mondays at Kildare’s in Manayunk, featuring the angel-voiced Terry Kane. Head over, grab a beer, and some of the great food that comes to you by way of our friend, Chef Brian Duffy, and if you play an instrument, bring it along.

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