Columns, How to Be Irish in Philly

How To Be Irish in Philly This Week

Do some flag waving on Saturday. After all, it’s Flag Day. It’s also the day that local documentary filmmaker John Foley debuts his paean to the American Flag, “The Color Bearers,” at the Independence Living History Museum on S. Third Street. The Celtic connection: One of the stories Foley tells is of Col. St Clair Mulholland and the 116th PA Irish Brigade. Born in Ireland in 1839, Mulholland and his family emigrated to Pennsylvania when he was seven years old. Wounded four times in the Civil War, Mulholland was given the Congressional Medal of Honor for his bravery in the battle of Chancellorville.

On Friday (yes, we got a little ahead of ourselves), the Philadelphia Donegal GFC, AKA Four Provinces, will meet Cavan (head-on, we’re sure) at Gaelic Park in New York.

Next Tuesday, if you’re near Princeton, head over to Looking Glass Park to hear a terrific group of Irish musicians from Tucson, AZ, called Round the House, playing in concert. But if you miss them, don’t worry. They’re also playing at various locations in the area, including at the Suzanne Patterson Center in Princeton on Wednesday night, and accompanying the dancers at the Philadelphia Thursday Night Contra Dance at the Glenside Memorial Hall. On Saturday, June 21, you can hear them in a great setting: Four Dogs Tavern in West Chester.

Don’t forget on Tuesday night, June 17, the US Air Force Heritage Aire Celtic Ensemble will be giving a free concert at the Irish Center in Mt. Airy.

And plan carefully for next weekend. On Friday night, Philadelphia’s new Rose of Tralee will be selected at a gala held the Hyatt Regency on Columbus Avenue in Philadelphia. On Saturday night, support your local young Irish musicians by attending a fundraiser at the Irish Center to raise money to send our Fleadh winners to Ireland to compete. Many musicians will be there, including winners Caitlin Finley and the Pearl River Ceili Band.

And on Sunday, the Penns Landing Irish Festival—bands, food, beer, vendors, and always a good time. Pray for Celtic-friendly weather. See our story.

Check out our calendar for more details. It’s been checking you out for a while.

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