
Help the AOH Make a Stand for Children With Autism

As many of you are aware, several members of the Hibernian and Irish American community have been at the forefront of the cause to find a cure for autism. Speaker of the House Representative Dennis OBrien has been solidly leading the fight, and the folks at Autism Speaks donate time, funding and resources unselfishly time and time again.

They now need our help. We have done it before, we will do it again. Contact your local Senator and let him or her know of this bill and your support of it.

We all know we need more veterans programs, we all know we need a process for the undocumented Irish, and we all know we need to support these children. Please take a moment to drop your Senator an email or phone call and remind them that the Irish community stand united for veterans, for the undocumented Irish and for children with Autism.

HB 1150, which will end autism insurance discrimination by providing the children in the state of Pennsylvania with access to the medically necessary, evidence based treatments and therapies that they need, is once again in need of your attention. Following an extremely successful hearing in April, we hit a little road block and need your help to push through that!

Senator White still isn’t convinced that this issue should go to a vote. He needs some help. He needs to hear from YOU through YOUR Senator that this is an issue that is important to you. Please do not call him directly unless you live in his district! We are sending Don White’s constituents a separate alert.

The nation has its eyes on Pennsylvania to provide the community here with the most comprehensive autism insurance reform to date. As you know, other states such as Arizona and Florida passed similar legislation earlier this spring.


It is time for the Keystone State of Pennsylvania…to become the cornerstone and PASS THIS BILL!


1. CALL YOUR OWN SENATOR! Ask your Senator to speak to Senator Don White and ask him to allow HB 1150 go to a vote in his committee. For information on how you can find out who your senator is, visit and view the resources section.

2. CALL SENATE LEADERSHIP! Ask these Senators to speak to Senator Don White and ask him to allow HB 1150 to go to a vote in his committee. NOTE: If you are their constituents, please be sure to let them know how much you are counting on them to make this happen!

Senator Dominic Pileggi

717-787-4712 (Harrisburg Office) OR 610-565-9100 (For Constituents!)

Senator Joe Scarnatti

717-787-7084 (Harrisburg Office) or 814-726-7201 (For Constituents)

3. It is time for the state of Pennsylvania to make some noise! We are challenging everyone to involve family members, aunts, uncles, cousins, neighbors, friends, co-workers, therapists, physicians and anyone who lives in the state of Pennsylvania – that would take FIVE minutes to make these phone calls to THEIR Senator and the Senate leaders in # 2 above to end insurance discrimination and get your child(ren) the coverage they deserve.

Six other states have accomplished this! Pennsylvania can be next in line if we FOCUS!

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