Columns, How to Be Irish in Philly

How to Be Irish in Philly This Week

Like to spend a day speaking Irish? Then sign up for the 2009 Satharn na nGael to be held May 31 at the Miquon School in Conshohocken. You’ll also get a sampling of Irish music, poetry, customs and folklore. Language classes are held in the morning and afternoon, interspersed with informal workshops. Sessions are offered in tin whistle, concertina, uilleann pipes, and even Irish language on the Internet.

This year you can also see and hear two topnotch Irish traditional musicians , Micheál Ó Raghallaigh (concertina) and Ivan Goff (uillean pipes). Even if you don’t spend the day speaking Irish, you can pay $10 and hear them in an evening concert that starts at 6 PM at the school. The two will also be playing next Saturday, June 7, at the Coatesville Cultural Society.

If you knew the Irish Center “when,” you might want to consider having lunch there on Sunday. Billed as the “Young at Heart” event, the Center is offering a meal at 2 PM for those 55 and older (we resemble that) so you can see the new changes at the center (it’s looking gorgeous), reminisce, and dance. If you need a lift, contact Geraldine Quigg (215-884-4948) or Nancy Cantwell (215-483-7990).

There are a few sporting events ahead. On Sunday, the Philadelphia Donegal GFC (Four Provinces) is facing the Down GFC in Gaelic Park in the Bronx. The following Saturday, they’re taking on Derry.

Scythian is playing on Friday, June 6, at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Also that day, the always-fun Celtic Festival that AOH Div. 1 holds in Mont Clare, PA.

The Fourth Annual Celtic Festival is being held on June 7 at Historic Cold Spring Village in Cape May, NJ with the usual bagpipers, Celtic music, craft vendors, and an all-day Irish buffet (and it’s way more than a six pack and a potato, trust us).

Not to be repetitive, but the Frank McCourt musical, “The Irish and How They Got That Way,” will be at the Walnut Theater until the end of June.

Coming up: Rose of Tralee pageant on June 20 and the rocking Irish Festival on Penns Landing on June 21.

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