
Partying at Finnigan’s Wake

Campbell School dancers Stephanie Miller and Alison Silverman step lively.

Campbell School dancers Stephanie Miller and Alison Silverman step lively.

Local supporters of Hillary Clinton were gathering downstairs at Finnigan’s Wake to await the outcome of the primaries. They probably had a happy night.

Meanwhile, local Irish were up on the third floor with the primary purpose of celebrating their own special month. And was there ever really any question that they would have a great night?

The Philadelphia St. Patrick’s Day Parade Observance Association, under the leadership of director Michael Bradley, gathered with their partners from CBS3, for one last big blowout. (There’ll be a luncheon later, too, of course.)

There was, as always, some fabulous Irish music and some great dancing. (The food and the drink were pretty good, too.)

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