Columns, How to Be Irish in Philly

How To Be Irish In Philly This Week

Forget the mall. Take your kids to see the Irish Santa this Saturday, December 8, at the National Guard Armory, Southampton Road and Roosevelt Boulevard in Northeast Philadelphia. Bring a donation of canned goods for the Hibernian Hunger Project or an unwrapped non-violent toy for the U.S . Marines Toys for Tots Campaign as part of Project St. Nicholas, an annual event that raises donations for these and other charities.

Santa is scheduled to appear from Noon to 2 PM. Stay on for the Irish Unity Festival later on in the day and hear some some of the best Irish musical groups in the area including The Bogside Rogues, Ballina, Birmingham Six, Tullamore Trio, The Shantys and more.

Moya Brennan of Clannad will be singing her heart out in Sellersville at the beautiful Sellersville Theater (where all the seats are great) on Saturday night. Read more about her here.

If you’re in Philly Sunday, consider heading to the Dark Horse Pub for the Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol” dinner and reading. For about $50, you get a five-course dinner and drama. God bless us every one! If you’re going to be in Quakertown, McCoole’s is having its Christmas party followed by a Seven Nations concert. Hmmm, heavy metal bagpipes. Very Christmasy. But we love a band in kilts, so. . .

St. Mary of the Lakes in Medford, NJ, is holding its Christmas Concert on Sunday as well. It features tenor Ciaran Sheehan, who played the Phantom in “Phantom of the Opera.”

Planning ahead: There are two fabulous concerts coming up. First, The Hedge Band, featuring four of Maryland’s finest Irish musicians, including Billy McComiskey, whom many of you have enjoyed at the Philadelphia Ceili Group’s Irish Music Festival in September. They’ll be appearing on Friday, December 14, at the Coatesville Cultural Society–another venue where there’s nary a bad seat.

The following day, take the kids to see Irish Santa again at the Irish Immigration Center in Upper Darby. There’ll also be music, arts and crafts, drinks, and great raffle prizes. And save some energy for Irish Christmas in America, an amazing concert to be held later that evening at the Irish Center in Mt. Airy.

Check our calendar (our Christmas calendar and regular old everyday one) for all the details.

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