Columns, How to Be Irish in Philly

How To Be Irish In Philly This Week

The Mid-Atlantic Oireachtas, a huge Irish dance competition, starts the day after Thanksgiving and runs through the weekend at the Downtown Marriott in Philadelphia. Many local dance schools are competing and it’s worth poking your head in for a few hours. The music is great, the dancers are adorable, and you won’t be able to help jigging back to your car. 

But on Wednesday night, you can get your dose of Irish while doing a good deed. On Wednesday night, starting at 5, Paul Moore and Paddy’s Well will be performing at Finnigan’s Wake in Philly at a benefit for the Police Survivors Fund, which is raising money for the family of the late Officer Charles Cassidy. Finnigan’s is providing the buffet and beer, and your $10 cover charge will go directly into the fund.

While you’re downtown, keep an eye out for Irish Thunder. No, that’s not a weather report. The popular pipe and drum band from Montgomery County will be reprising it’s annual Thanksgiving eve pub crawl.

You didn’t really have to make those pies, now did you? Just buy ’em!

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