Columns, How to Be Irish in Philly

How To Be Irish In Philly This Week and Beyond

You have some diverse choices for the rest of this month, depending on where you’re going to be. This weekend, you can help Blackthorn raise some money for the Avalon String Band’s 2008 gear. Avalon will be strutting out with an Irish theme on New  Year’s Day, and those feathers and sequins can cost into the six figures. That will be happening Saturday at the Lagoon in Essington.

If you’re planning to be in Havertown on Saturday, the AOH Dennis Kelly Div. 1 is holding a beef-and-beer night to benefit AOH charities (one of them being The Hibernian Hunger Project, which was born right in Philadelphia). Oliver McElhone will be performing.

If you’re up in the Poconos, Pancho, Kevin and Jimmy will be providing the music for the ceili sponsored by the West End Irish American Association on Sunday.

Looking ahead a little, Irish Northern Aid is holding its annual testimonial dinner on Friday, October 26, at The Irish Center. Honorees this year include Kathy McGee Burns of the Philadelphia Donegal Association, Charlie Schlegel of I.N.A. and A.O.H., and Bob Grover of Clan na Gael. The Vince Gallagher Band will provide the music for dancing.

And on the day before Halloween, consider this scary thought: Sinead O’Connor will be in Glenside at the Keswick Theater for a concert. Pretty girl, lovely voice, but as unpredictable as Britney. Who knows what will happen? Anything interesting, let us know.

Check out our calendar for more information.

If you know of an Irish-flavored event coming up, let us know! We’ll put it on our calendar and maybe even crash it so you might see your picture on  That’s the kind of people we are.

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