
Was It Fun in Wildwood? Shore ‘Nuff!

Paul Moore pours it on.

Paul Moore pours it on.

Exactly how Irish are you?

In North Wildwood, it came down to a true test of loyalty.

On stage in the main music tent at the annual Cape May County AOH Irish Fall Festival, Paul Moore and Paddy’s Well were pounding out all the standards. As usual, they sounded pretty wonderful.

At the same time, the Eagles game  was playing on a big screen off in a corner. You know, the thrilling blowout in which the Birds smacked the Lions around and sent them mewling like cowed little kittens back to Detroit?

Paddy’s Well or the Eagles? Irish music or football? Hmmmmmmmmm ….

Seriously? It was no contest. I won’t pretend that some people weren’t paying attention to the on-field heroics of Donovan McNabb and company. (And what was with those nightmarish uniforms? They looked like Mr. Blackwell’s LSD nightmare.) But it was way too hard to resist Moore’s bunch. So hardly anyone bothered. Instead, they crowded ‘round the stage, slurped their beers, sang along, and danced. I seem to remember a lot of unrestrained smiling, too.

Sunday was also the day of the big festival parade, this year with young singer Timmy Kelly as the grand marshal, along with a visit by those imposing feathery-hooved Budweiser Clydesales. With temps in the mid-80s, a cool offshore breeze and a brilliant blue sky, it was pretty much perfect parade-watching weather. So Surf Avenue was lined with kids and grannies, all decked out in their neon green fuzzy hats and shamrock-shaped sunglasses, and all of them obviously enjoying the pipe bands, the multiple leprechauns, and one of the last, best days at the shore.

Weren’t there? (Watching the game??? What kind of Mick are you?)

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  • Saturday action
  • Sunday’s finale
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