
Top 10 Things NOT to Do at an Irish Music Event

As we approach the beginning of the 33rd Annual Philadelphia Ceili Group Irish Festival, we thought it might be helpful to explain some of the basic rules of Irish music etiquette for the uninitiated (with a tip of the hat to David Letterman).

From the home office in Horseleap, County Offaly, the official Irish Philadelphia Top 10 Things Not to Do at an Irish Music Event:

1. Flick your lighter and yell “Free Bird!”
2. Sing “di-dee-di-dee-di-dee-di” just like the guys on “Whose Line Is It, Anyway?”
3. Ask, “Is that a tin whistle in your pocket, or are you just glad to see me?
4. Yodel along to everything
5. The wave
6. To everyone you run into, say, “Top o’ the marnin’ to ye” just like Barry Fitzgerald
7. After every verse of “Si Bheag Si Mhor,” sigh loudly, look at your watch and ask: Is it over yet?”
8. The Electric Slide
9. When singing “She Moved through the Fair,” croon “ohhhhh, baby, baby” in a Barry White voice
10. Play the bodhran

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