
You Saw The Parade … Now Look at the Pictures

Long parade, right?

Long parade, right?

Funny the people you run into at the parade.

Toward the end of the route, standing at curbside along the Benjamin Franklin Parkway, we bumped into Smokin’ Joe Frazier’s daughter Jackie.

Why was she at the St. Patrick’s Day Parade? Running for something, of course. But she insisted that there’s a bit of Irish in her.
“Dad always said we were mutts,” she explained.

Hey, one way or another, we all are. (And who are we to argue with Joe Frazier?)

Anyway, we’re just starting to post our photos (and soon, videos) of the parade. Here’s a bunch to start you off, with a promise of more to come.

And maybe you’ll run into someone cool.

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